Bahrain's National Strategic Plan 2050

Discover the transformative journey outlined in the Bahrain Natural Strategic Plan 2050, steering towards a sustainable and prosperous future for the kingdom.


In the heart of the Gulf, Bahrain lays the foundations for its future in the Bahrain Natural Strategic Plan 2050. This visionary roadmap shapes the destiny of the kingdom, addressing crucial aspects for sustainable growth and environmental stewardship. The modified structural plan from 2016 will be replaced by this new one. The Bahrain Natural Strategic Plan 2050, often abbreviated as BNSP 2050, is a meticulously designed strategy aimed at steering the kingdom towards a sustainable and thriving future. It integrates economic, social, and environmental dimensions, aligning with global sustainability goals. The plan encompasses numerous domains, including urban development, green energy, waste management, and educational reforms. Let's delve into this comprehensive plan, exploring its objectives and strategies.

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Bahrain Natural Strategic Plan 2050

Big changes have been made at the Urban Planning and Development Authority. They are extending the National Strategic Plan all the way to 2050 rather than terminating at 2030. The Urban Planning and Development Authority has also set aside money for five new cities' initial environmental investigations. By November, they hope to be finished with those investigations. What's more, they're constructing 3D interactive models for various places. The initiative will shortly begin with the release of a tender, and they are covering everything from the economics to new housing cities. Let's explore the details of the initiatives taken to foster economic growth, development, environmental sustainability and excellent infrastructure systems.

Economic Empowerment for the Future

Reduce Dependency on Oil Revenues

Guided by the principle of sustainable economic growth, the BNSP 2050 places a significant emphasis on diversifying Bahrain's economy. One of the primary goals of the plan is to diminish the reliance on oil revenue. Bahrain's economy has historically been heavily dependent on oil, and diversification is seen as a way to mitigate economic vulnerabilities associated with fluctuations in oil prices.. Actions need to be taken to bolster sectors such as finance, technology, and tourism. By nurturing these sectors, Bahrain aims to create a robust and resilient economic base, allowing the kingdom to thrive even in the face of economic uncertainties.

Enable Friendly Business Environment

To attract both local and foreign investments, the plan underscores the importance of an enabling business environment. This involves streamlining regulations, reducing bureaucratic hurdles, and implementing policies that facilitate ease of doing business. By creating an investor-friendly ecosystem, Bahrain hopes to entice businesses and entrepreneurs to set up operations and contribute to the nation's economic growth.

Empowering Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)

Recognizing the potential of SMEs, the plan places a strong emphasis on supporting and empowering these enterprises. Initiatives to provide financial assistance, mentorship, and access to markets are outlined to bolster the SME sector, encouraging innovation and entrepreneurship.

Investing in Human Capital and Education

The success of any economic diversification strategy hinges on the availability of a skilled and knowledgeable workforce. The BNSP 2050 earmarks investments in educational infrastructure, curriculum enhancements, and vocational training, empowering the youth to contribute effectively to the kingdom's growth. Bahrain's National Strategic Plan 2050 recognizes this and envisions significant investments in education and vocational training. By upskilling the workforce and aligning education with industry needs, Bahrain aims to nurture talent that can effectively contribute to the diversified economic landscape.

Global Integration and Trade Partnerships

In an increasingly interconnected world, international trade and collaboration play pivotal roles in economic development. The plan advocates for fostering stronger trade relationships and partnerships with various nations in Asia, Africa, and the world superpowers such as USA and Russia. By engaging in global trade and seeking mutually beneficial partnerships, Bahrain aims to expand its market reach and diversify its trade portfolio.

Innovation and Technology Adoption

To stay at the forefront of global economic trends, the plan encourages the adoption of cutting-edge technologies and innovation across sectors. This includes leveraging emerging technologies like artificial intelligence, big data, internet of things, blockchain, and clean energy solutions. By embracing innovation, Bahrain seeks to enhance productivity, drive competitiveness, and foster sustainable economic growth.

Resilient Infrastructure: Urban Development

The BNSP 2050 acknowledges the importance of robust infrastructure. It focuses on the development of smart cities, efficient transportation systems, and sustainable housing, aiming to elevate the overall living standards for Bahrain's citizens.

Sustainable Smart Cities

A cornerstone of the plan is the development of smart cities, equipped with advanced technologies and efficient infrastructure. These cities are envisioned to be sustainable and eco-friendly, incorporating renewable energy solutions, intelligent waste management systems, and green spaces that enhance the overall quality of life.

Efficient Transportation Systems

Addressing the challenge of urban congestion, the plan focuses on creating efficient transportation systems. This includes expanding public transportation networks, implementing modern traffic management systems, and encouraging the adoption of eco-friendly modes of transportation. By doing so, Bahrain aims to reduce traffic congestion, lower pollution levels, and enhance mobility for its citizens.

Affordable and Sustainable Housing

Ensuring access to affordable housing is a key objective in the urban development strategy. The plan calls for the development of sustainable housing solutions that are both energy-efficient and cost-effective. This initiative aims to provide citizens with comfortable living spaces while also promoting energy conservation and environmental sustainability.

Preservation of Cultural Heritage

Bahrain takes pride in its rich cultural heritage and historical landmarks. The plan emphasizes the preservation and restoration of these significant sites within the urban fabric. By blending modern urban development with the conservation of heritage, Bahrain aims to create a unique urban identity that celebrates its past while embracing its future.

Promoting Public Recreational Facilities

To foster a sense of community and wellbeing, the plan advocates for the creation of accessible public spaces and recreational facilities. Parks, promenades, and sports complexes are envisioned to promote physical activity, social interaction, and a healthy lifestyle among the residents of Bahrain's urban center's.

Resilient Infrastructure

Climate-resilient infrastructure is a crucial aspect of the plan, especially in a region prone to extreme weather conditions. The strategy involves building and retrofitting structures to withstand natural disasters, ensuring the safety and security of the urban populace during adverse circumstances.

Inclusive Urban Planning

The plan underscores the importance of inclusive urban planning that takes into account the needs of all segments of society. This includes the differently-abled, elderly, and other vulnerable groups. The goal is to create urban spaces that are accessible, equitable, and offer opportunities for all residents. A Buri and lateral logical planning project that will cost more than BD 495,000 is now being worked on. There is also a field survey project with a BD 94,000 budget.

Going Green: Environmentally Sustainable Practices

In the realm of environmental conservation, the BNSP 2050 envisions a greener Bahrain. Initiatives within this domain include aggressive targets for renewable energy adoption, water conservation, and sustainable waste management, embodying Bahrain's commitment to ecological balance.

Renewable Energy

At the forefront of the plan is the promotion of renewable energy sources. Bahrain aims to substantially increase its renewable energy capacity, primarily focusing on solar and wind energy. By harnessing these clean energy sources, the kingdom aims to reduce its carbon footprint and transition towards a more sustainable and environmentally responsible energy portfolio.

Water Conservation

Addressing the scarcity of water resources, the plan lays out comprehensive water conservation strategies. These include efficient water management practices, rainwater harvesting systems, and the development of sustainable water infrastructure. The aim is to optimise water usage, minimise wastage, and ensure a sustainable supply of water for all citizens.

Waste Management and Recycling

A pivotal aspect of the 'Going Green' strategy is the enhancement of waste management and recycling systems. The plan promotes responsible waste disposal methods, encourages recycling initiatives, and advocates for the reduction of single-use plastics. By managing waste efficiently, Bahrain aims to reduce its environmental impact and contribute to a healthier ecosystem.

Biodiversity Conservation

Preserving biodiversity is a priority in Bahrain's environmental agenda. The plan advocates for the conservation of natural habitats and ecosystems. Initiatives include reforestation projects, protection of endangered species, and sustainable land-use practices that mitigate the loss of biodiversity. This approach aligns with the global goal of preserving and restoring ecosystems to ensure a sustainable future.

Sustainable Transportation

Bahrain is committed to reducing carbon emissions from the transportation sector. The plan advocates for sustainable transportation solutions such as electric vehicles, efficient public transport systems, and infrastructure that encourages walking and cycling. By promoting eco-friendly transportation, Bahrain aims to reduce pollution and improve air quality across its urban centres.

Education and Public Awareness

Creating awareness about environmental sustainability is key to achieving the goals outlined in the plan. It emphasises educational campaigns, workshops, and community engagement initiatives to enlighten the public about the importance of conservation and sustainable practices. By fostering a culture of environmental responsibility, Bahrain aims to inspire collective action towards a greener future.

International Efforts for Climate Action

Recognizing the global nature of environmental challenges, the plan encourages international collaborations. Bahrain seeks to collaborate with neighboring countries and participate in international agreements and initiatives aimed at combating climate change and fostering sustainable environmental practices.

Bahrain's National Strategic Plan 2050: Facts, Figures and Latest Statistics

  • As of May 2023, 80% of the country's GDP is generated from non-oil sectors, which is a 50% increase from the past decade, where 40% of the economy's reliance was on oil and gas reserves.
  • Bahrain Total Exports recorded US$6.8 billion in Dec 2022, compared with US$7.4 billion in the previous quarter.
  • The Bahrain construction market size was US$8.5 billion in 2022.
  • The Bahraini construction industry is expected to grow by 4% in 2023, after growing by an estimated 1.8% in 2022, and then expand at an annual average of 4.6% between 2024 and 2027.
  • In the latest reports, Bahrain Total Exports grew 2.3% YoY in Dec 2022.
  • Total Imports recorded US$5 billion in Dec 2022, which registered an increase of 1% year on year.
  • Bahrain Trade Balance recorded a surplus of US$8.2 billion in Dec 2022.
  • In 2022, the country's GDP hit an all-time high, where GDP rose by 4.9% and non-oil real GDP increased by 6.2%.
  • Tourism revenues topped US$3.98 billion in 2022, an increase of 50% compared to the figure for the same year.
  • According to the 2022 statistics, the number of visitors arriving for tourism purposes reached 9.9 million, up by 19% over the target number of 8.3 million visitors.
  • As of December 2022, Bahrain has attracted US$921 million from 66 companies. The investments are expected to generate over 4,700 jobs over the next three years in key sectors, including financial services, IT and digital economy, logistics, manufacturing, and tourism.
  • According to the Central Informatics Organization of Bahrain (CIO), the construction industry’s value add grew by 2.6% year on year (YoY) in Q2 2022, preceded by Y-o-Y growth of 3% in Q1 2022 and 3.1 % in Q4 2021.
  • The Bahrain's construction market is anticipated to register a CAGR of over 5.6% during the forecast period of 2023-2028.
  • During the first nine months of 2022, the Bahrain Economic Development Board (Bahrain EDB) attracted BHD346.3 million (US$921 million) in foreign direct investments into key sectors, such as financial services, ICT, logistics, manufacturing, and tourism.
  • GDP from Construction in Bahrain decreased to 237.34 BHD Million in the first quarter of 2023 from 240.39 BHD Million in the fourth quarter of 2022.
  • Revenue in the eCommerce market is projected to reach US$1,152.00mn by the end of 2023.
  • Revenue is expected to show an annual growth rate (CAGR 2023-2027) of 8.27%, resulting in a projected market volume of US$1,583.00mn by 2027.
  • In the eCommerce market, the number of users is expected to amount to 1.19mn users by 2027.
  • User penetration will be 70.8% in 2023 and is expected to hit 77.3% by 2027.
  • Revenue in the Video Games market is projected to reach US$32.22mn by the end of 2023.
  • Revenue is expected to show an annual growth rate (CAGR 2023-2027) of 8.89%, resulting in a projected market volume of US$45.30mn by 2027.
  • Bahrain enjoys an annual direct cost advantage in the ICT sector of up to 28% when compared to the GCC region.
  • The cumulative revenue generation opportunities for the ICT market in Bahrain are estimated at US$27.15bn between 2022 to 2026.
  • In November 2022, Bahrain ranked 84th (Ookla Speedtest Global Index) with a median fixed broadband download speed of 48.32 Mbps and upload speed of 9.37 Mbps.
  • Internet users’ stood around 1.46 million, and internet penetration stood at 99% (by January 2023).
  • A total of 2.10 million cellular mobile connections were active in Bahrain, with this figure equivalent to 142.1% of the total population (by January 2023).
  • As of January 2023, Bahrain has BHD30.8 billion (US$81.8 billion) worth of projects in the construction industry in various stages.
  • 99.7% of Bahrain’s total internet user base (regardless of age) used at least one social media platform (by January 2023).
  • ‘Industrial Sector Strategy (2022-26)’ and ‘Strategic Projects Plan’ for Bahrain, outlays an investment of BHD11.3 billion (US$30 billion) in Bahrain’s national infrastructure and its strategic priority sectors.
  • Some of the major projects currently under construction in Bahrain are the BHD3.4 billion (US$9 billion) Amwaj Islands Diyar Al Muharraq Development project, the BHD2.8 billion (US$7.5 billion) Bahrain International Airport Expansion project, and the BHD2.1 billion (US$5.7 billion) Sitra Oil Refinery Expansion project.
  • In the financial results for 2022, the hotel and restaurant industry saw the largest growth by 13.6%, followed by government services at 6.7%, real estate and business activities at 5.5%, trade at 5.4% manufacturing at 4.9%, transportation and communications at 4.5%, financial corporations at 4.1% and construction at 1.4%.
  • By December 2022, the country’s total public revenues increased by 42% to US$9.26 billion.
  • More than US$2.5 billion of investment has been rolled out by the international players to support regulatory reforms, which would increase the ease of doing business by simplifying the process to get licenses.
  • By March 2023, Bahrain had attracted more than US$130 million of investments in the IT Sector, which aims to create more than 900 new jobs in the next year.
  • The cumulative revenue generation opportunities for the ICT market in Bahrain are estimated at US$27.15bn between 2022 to 2026.
  • ICT spending in Bahrain is expected to reach US$2.23bn by 2026.
  • By 2030, the logistics sector aims to contribute up to 10% of the total GDP of the country's economy.
  • By 2026, insurance sector contribution to the GDP aims to contribute to 8.4% of the GDP, and the financial sector aims to reach 20% of the total GDP.
  • By 2027, a 35% growth is expected in the national employment sector in the IT and technology industry.

Related: GCC And Bahrain Import & Exports Outlook In 2023


The Bahrain Natural Strategic Plan 2050 sets a promising course for Bahrain's future, symbolizing hope, sustainability, and progress. As it unfolds, the kingdom takes significant strides towards a prosperous and sustainable tomorrow, embodying a beacon of inspiration for nations worldwide. Bahrain is not only ensuring excellent urban planning and development initiatives, planning to integrate state-of-the-art techniques to boost their economy, but also trying to ensure healthier environment for its citizens which contribute to the global effort of building a sustainable and harmonious planet for generations to come. All in all, Bahrain's future is in good hands and all the initiatives revolve around thoughtful planning and fostering a positive environment.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: What is the primary objective of the Bahrain Natural Strategic Plan 2050?

A: The main goal is to steer Bahrain towards a sustainable future by integrating economic diversification, environmental conservation, educational empowerment, and resilient urban development.

Q2: How does BNSP 2050 plan to achieve economic diversification?

A: BNSP 2050 seeks to diversify the economy by promoting non-oil sectors such as finance, technology, and tourism, reducing dependency on oil revenues.

Q3: What are the key environmental initiatives under BNSP 2050?

A: BNSP 2050 emphasizes renewable energy adoption, water conservation, and sustainable waste management to promote a greener and environmentally sustainable Bahrain.

Q4: How does BNSP 2050 plan to enhance the education sector?

A: BNSP 2050 focuses on educational infrastructure improvements, curriculum enhancements, and vocational training to empower Bahraini youth with knowledge and skills.

Q5: What measures are outlined for resilient urban development in BNSP 2050?

A: BNSP 2050 envisions the development of smart cities, efficient transportation systems, and sustainable housing to create resilient urban infrastructures.

Q6: How does BNSP 2050 ensure public participation and awareness?

A: BNSP 2050 emphasizes community engagement, public awareness campaigns, and collaborations to ensure active participation and awareness among Bahrain's citizens.


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