
E-Commerce In China - Statistics and Trends [Infographic]

Learn more about latest E-commerce statistics and trends of the country with highest online population i.e China. The country has more than 564 million internet users and is growing at rate of 4 million users per month.

Infographic by- GO-Globe

Market Share Percentage Of Major Search Engines in China

Search Engines Market Share ( Dec 2012)
Baidu 71.76
Qihoo So.com 10.39
Sogou 7.92
Google 5.07
Tencent Soso.com 3.73
Bing 0.52


Number of Online Buyers in China Between 2011-2016

Year Online Buyers (In Millions)
2011 178.4
2012 219.8
2013 270.9
2014 322.1
2015 374.9
2016 423.4


B2C E-commerce Sales in China Between 2011-2016

Year Sales ( In Billions) %age change
2011 $55.37 103.7%
2012 $107.48 94.1%
2013 $177.40 65.1%
2014 $284.84 60.6%
2015 $372.73 30.9%
2016 $457.60 22.8%


In 2010, 23% percent of Chinaโ€™s urban population shopped online. This figure will go up to 44% (nearly double) by 2015.

By 2015, eCommerce will represent 7.4 percent of Chinaโ€™s total retail value.

On average, shipping cost in China is $1 for 1 kilogram, whereas it is $6 to ship 1 kilogram to the United States.

40% of Chinaโ€™s online shoppers read and post reviews - more than double the number in the United States.

The biggest online shopping event in China is Bachelorโ€™s Day (Nov 11).

The Most Popular Online Payment Methods in China

Payment Methods %age Of Usage
Alipay 47%
Tenpay 21%
Online Bank Transfer 11%
99Bill 6%
China PnR 6%
YeePay 4%
Others 5%


Top 10 E-commerce Sites in China controls Market Share of more than 65%

eCommerce Sites Market Share (%age)
Tmall.com 39.9%
360Buy.com 14.7%
Suning.com 2.4%
Amazon.cn 2.2%
Dangdang.com 1.6%
Vancl.com 1.5%
51Buy.com 1.1%
Coo8.com 1%
NewEgg.com.cn 0.7%
YiHaoDian.com 0.7%


Top Reasons Why Chinese Consumers Shop Online

Reasons %age
ย  ย 
Anytime shopping 28%
Low price 25%
Convenience 18%
Easy to compare product prices 7%
More choices 4%
Free delivery 1%
Detailed product info 1%
Easier to find favorite brand 1%


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