
Online Consumer Shopping Behavior in Hong Kong – Statistics and Trends [Infographic]

Did you know that an An average Hong Kong Consumers Spends more than 24 hours a week on Internet. 88% of consumers in Hong Kong made at least one purchase online in last three months and  than four in 10 online consumers in Hong Kong have made purchases via their mobile devices in the last three months. Check out our infographic "Online Consumer Shopping Behavior in Hong Kong " for latest statistics and trends about online shopping in Hong Kong.

Online Consumer Shopping Behavior In Hong Kong

Infographic by GO-Globe ERP Egypt

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Top factors that attract Hong Kong consumers to do Online Shopping

Factors %age
Waiving of Shipping / Delivery Fee 54%
Convenience to shop anytime and anywhere 40%
Special discounts 38%
Online payments are more secure 28%
Ability to purchase overseas 33%
Simpler return/refund process 24%
Better Customer Support 17%
Availability of product tracking information 18%
Accurate Delivery Time Estimate 14%
Overnight Shipping 12%
Ability to buy limited edition products 14%

Top Reasons why Hong Kong Consumers decide not to buy Online

Reason %age
Do not trust quality of product 37%
Product available at nearby Physical store 36%
Shipping Costs 36%
Need products/services immediately 28%
Same day or next day delivery not available 22%
Products/services out of stock 17%
No local online retailers to buy from 17%

Almost half of Hong Kong consumers now say they plan to make more purchases in the next two years via their mobile phones.

Top Online Shopping Categories For Hong Kong Consumers

Category %age
Clothing / Accessories 41.7%
Airlines 36.7%
Travel 36.2%
Hotels 36.0%
Home appliances/ Electronic products 30.2%
Online gaming 29.3%

Top Online Shopping Festivals to Purchase Goods Online

Online Shopping Festival %age
Singles Day 37%
618 7%
Amazon Prime Day 15%
Black Friday 15%
Cyber Monday 16%
Others 2%

Preferred Delivery Methods on Hong Kong Consumers

Delivery Method %age
Prefer delivery to home 58%
Prefer delivery to designated location 32%
Prefer delivery to closest convenient store 26%
Prefer delivery to office 21%
Prefer delivery pick up at brand store 15%


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