
Online Payment in China - Statistics and Trends

The number of online shoppers in China is increasing every day, with China's online shopping spending expected to hit $1 trillion by 2020. Needless to say, no other country matches Chinaโ€™s online spending score at this point. This figure puts China as equivalent to the world's 16th largest economy today. About 18.9% of online shoppers in China prefer domestic third-party online payment. 16.6% favor paying via online banks, and 15.5% prefer to pay using credit cards offline.

Check out our infographic, โ€œStatistics Of Online Payment Methods In Chinaโ€ for a thorough look into the various online payments methods favored by online shoppers in China. You will also learn about the market share enjoyed by third-party payment bodies in China, the top mobile apps used for making online payments and much more.

Online payment in China

Infographic by GO Globe a web design Shanghai Company

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Market Share Of Online Third-Party Payment Providers In China

Third Party Payment Provider Market Share
Alipay 51.0%
Tenpay 18.60%
Unionpay 11.50%
99Bill 6.60%
Chinapnr 5.40%
Yeepay 3.20%
IPS 2.70%
Other 1.00%


Estimated Third Party Online Payment Market In China (In Billion Yuan)

Year Estimated size (in Billion Yuan)
2013 5,372.98
2014 7,436.89
2015 10,406.63
2016 14,143.96
2017 18,480.44


Top 5 Chinese Mobile Apps That Facilitate Online Payments

ย Mobile apps MAU (Monthly Active Users) (In Millions)
Alipay Wallet 62.818
Tenpay 1.723
Bestpay 1.337
Alipay 0.998
Lakala 0.778


More than 80% of Chinese consumers prefer online payment methods when it comes to making cross-border payments.

Chinese Cross-Border Online Payment Method Preferences

Payment Type %Age
Domestic third party online payment 53.9%
Credit Card online payment 48.2%
Foreign third party online payment 45.0%
Online bank payment 50.6%
Mobile payment 24.0%




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