
The State of Global Mobile Internet Traffic - Statistics and Trends [Infographic]

Did you know that 80% of internet users now own a smartphone whereas 52.7% of the global mobile phone population has accessed the internet from their mobile phone and is expected to grow to 61.2 percent in 2018. Nearly 80% of social media time and 65% of Digital Media is consumed on mobile devices. Check out our infographic " The State of Global Mobile Internet" for latest statistics and trends.

Global mobile internet traffic

Infographic by GO Gulf Website Design Company Abu Dhabi

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Estimated Mobile Internet Traffic as Percentage of Total Internet Traffic by Region


Region %age
Global 49.73%
Asia 65.1%
Africa 59.49%
North America 36.77%
South America 36.09%
Oceania 35.05%
Europe 31.65%

70% of smartphone users use social media on their phones. 54% of Facebook users only use Facebook on their mobile device.

Mobile internet usage surpasses desktop for first time ever in October,2016 and

accounted for 51.3% of internet usage compared to 48.7% by Desktop

More than 56 percent of consumer traffic to top websites is now from mobile devices. Mobile devices now represent 65 percent of digital media time

Top content categories by time spent on Mobile devices


ย Content Categories %age of time spent on mobile devices
Portals 31%
Business/Finance 42%
Entertainment 49%
Health Information 54%
News 56%
Sports 61%
Retail 62%
Lifestyle 64%
Personal 77%
Social Networking 79%
Online Gaming 88%
Photos 92%
Maps 94%

Mobile Traffic Vs Desktop Traffic


Platform Average time on site Average pages per visit Average Bounce rate
Mobile Devices 03:05 3.34 56.39%
Desktop 05:19 5.19 47.65%

Mobile Internet Traffic as percentage of total web traffic by Country


Country %age
Nigeria 81%
India 79%
South Africa 78%
Indonesia 69%
Thailand 66%
Turkey 61%
UAE 57%
Poland 57%
China 56%
Saudi Arabia 55%
Malaysia 53%
Mexico 50%


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