
The State of Mobile Search – Statistics and Trends [Infographic]

Did you know mobile devices now account for over half (57%) of all organic search engine visits whereas roughly 40% of people search only on a smartphone. Check out our infographic "The State of Mobile Search" for latest mobile search statistics and trends.

Statistics of the mobile search state

Infographic by GO Globe Website Design Kuwait

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Mobile Devices Account for 53% of Paid Search Clicks

3 in 4 smartphone owners turn to mobile search first to address their immediate needs

Nearly 1/3 of all mobile searches are related to location

88% of consumers who search for a type of local business on a mobile device call or go to that business within 24 hours

40% Of Mobile Searches Have Local Intent

70% of Mobile Searchers Call a Business Directly From Search Results

Mobile Search Helps 82% of In-Store Shoppers Make Purchase Decisions

Three out of four mobile searches trigger follow-up actions, whether that be further research, a store visit, a phone call, a purchase or word-of-mouth sharing

More than half (55%) of conversions from mobile search take place within the hour, while 81% of conversions occur within five hours

Mobile searches by Industry

Industry %age
Food & Beverage 72%
Health 68%
Sports 68%
News & Media 64%
Lifestyle 62%
Automotive 62%
Retail 56%
Travel 52%
Real Estate / Property 48%
Entertainment 42%
Banking 39%



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