
Things That Happen Every 60 Seconds [Infographic]

Did you know more than 400,000 tweets are sent on internet and more than 300 hours of video are uploaded on Youtube every 60 seconds? Want to know how big internet has become, check out our infographic covering the latest statistics on things that happen on internet every 60 seconds.

Things that happen on internet every 60 seconds

Infographic by GO-Globe Web Design Company

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Click here to check our previous 60 seconds infographic - Things that happen on Internet every 60 seconds, Things that happen on Internet every 60 seconds ( Part 2) By GO-Globe - web design

What Happens on Internet Every 60 Seconds (2016)

More than 2,315,000 searches on Google

3,125,000 likes and 243,055 new photos are uploaded on Facebook

More than 3,000,000 Items are shared on Facebook

Around 56,000 Photos uploaded on Instagram

More than 430,000 Tweets sent on twitter

More than 150,000,000 e-mails are sent

More than 2,700,000 video views and 139,000 Hours of video watched on Youtube

More than 300 hours of video are uploaded on Youtube

More than 280,000 Snaps sent on Snapchat

44,000,000 messages processed, 486,000 photos and 70,000 video messages shared on Whatsapp

9,800 articles pinned on Pinterest

More than 195,000 minutes of audio chatting on WeChat , More than 21,000,000 messages sent on WeChat

More than 100 new domains registered

More than 95,000 apps downloaded on Android

More than 48,000 apps downloaded on iPhone

More than 140 submissions on Reddit

More than 18,000 matches made and 972,000 daily swipes on Tinder

More than 69,500 hours of video watched on Netflix

26 new reviews posted on Yelp

120 new accounts opened on LinkedIn

More than 39,300 Hours of music listened on Spotify

14 New Songs added on Spotify


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