
The State of Facebook Video Advertising – Statistics and Trends

Did you know that Facebook owns 24.5% of all digital video ad spending in 2018 and Facebook videos receive 135% more organic reach on average than a Facebook photo. Check out our infographic "The State of Facebook Video Advertising" for latest Facebook video advertising statistics and trends.

Facebook video advertising statistics and trends

Infographic by GO Globe ERP Egypt

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Estimated Worldwide video advertising revenue of Facebook

Year Revenue (in USD Billion)
2018 4.37
2019 5.78
2020 7.50
2021 9.58

Facebook videos receive 135% more organic reach on average than a Facebook photo.

4 in 5 users can recall seeing a video ad they’ve seen in the past 30 days

71% of Consumers Say the Facebook Video Ads They See Are “Relevant”

47% of the Value of Facebook Video Ads Happens in the First 3 Seconds

Facebook captioned video ads can increase video view time by an average of 12%

Mobile devices account for more that 65% of Facebook Video Views

49% of marketers say that they are planning to increase their budget for video advertising in 2018


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